Centre of Excellence in IT
- An effort of Papua New Guinea and Indian Government to create a pool of knowledge workers and to bridge the gap between academia and industry.
- Operating in association with University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) and Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC).
- Funded by the Government of the Republic of India in collaboration with the Government of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea
Create a pool of knowledge workers and generate employment opportunities by producing world class IT professionals.
- To emerge as a premier platform in Information and Communication Technologies in Papua New Guinea for human advancement.
- To generate knowledge with the dissemination of cutting edge ICT programs, for promoting professional and economic growth.
- To groom the students to work on current technology as well as prepare them to keep pace with the changing face of technology and the requirements of the growing IT industry.
- To create an industry-ready talent pool to cater the Information and communications technology (ICT)
Certificate Program in Office Automation (CPOA)
Fee : 2400 Kina
Duration : 2 - 3 Months [4hrs /day]
CPOA - Courses
- Fundamentals of Computer and OS Concepts
- Client Software Systems
- Office Automation Tools
- Database Concepts
- Database Management using MS access
Fee : 3300 Kina
Duration : 3 - 4 Months [4hrs /day]
CPIT - Courses
- Fundamentals of Computer and OS Concepts
- Networking Fundamentals
- Office Automation Tools
- Database Concepts
- Database Management using MS access
- IT for Management
- Capstone Project
Certificate Program in Advanced Web Technology (CPAWT)
Fee : 3750 Kina
Duration : 3 - 4 Months [4hrs /day]
CPAWT - Courses
- Fundamentals of Computer and OS Concepts
- Client Side Web Technologies
- Database Concepts
- Server Side Web Technologies (PHP, Laravel)
- Internet Terminologies and Application Deployment
- Management Development Program
- Capstone Project
Certificate Program in Database Management (CPDM)
Fee : 3300 Kina
Duration : 3 - 4 Months [4hrs /day]
CPDM - Courses
- Fundamentals of Computer and OS Concepts
- C Programming
- Software Development Life Cycle
- Database Technologies
- Database Administration
- Management Development Program
- Capstone Project
Ph : 3267 424
Email : ceit@upng.ac.pg
Website : www.ceit.upng.ac.pg
Thank You
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